Roman Rite: "Francis Doesn't Understand that We Are No Longer Stuck in the 1960s"

At St Aloysius Church in Caulfield/Melbourne, Australia, where the Roman Rite Mass is celebrated, every pew is filled on Sunday, many by young parishioners, writes (27 June). More than half of the faithful is under 30. The article quotes 23-year-old convert Llewellyn Beer: "Zoomers want authenticity more than anything, and I think you'll find that at a Latin Mass." "Holy Mass is divine and so uncompromising - you're witnessing something beyond your own frail existence," says Elisha Andres, 21: "One can tell this Mass is not about oneself, it's not about entertainment, it's really about the Lord." Rev. Glen Tattersall, also a convert, celebrates Mass at St Aloysius. He thinks Francis is "out of touch". "I think he's kind of typical of his age and his background - he doesn't understand that we're not stuck in the 1960s anymore." "He talks a lot about 'everyone is welcome in the Church', but I'm sorry to say that a lot of Catholics don't feel very welcome in this pontificate at the moment." Other young Catholics at St Aloysius said they preferred the "sincerity" and "authenticity" of the Latin language and ancient ceremony. As Zachary Dennis, 27, a convert, puts it: "Once I decided to become a Catholic, this was the only logical choice for me, and I'm sure those around me would agree." Father Shawn Murphy, the priest who leads the young adult group at St Aloysius, said the parish regularly attracts "around 750" parishioners on a Sunday. "Certainly this has been recognised by the Archbishop of Melbourne as one of the fastest growing parishes," he said. Source
