T-Shirt Eucharist: YES – Facing God: NOOOO

T-Shirt Eucharist: YES – Facing God: NOOOO
The same Venice Bishop Frank Dewane who "forbids" celebrating Mass ad orientem “allows” priest to preside Novus Ordo Eucharists in a t-shirt. The article’s pictures date from July 4 showing Father Bob Tabbert in Fort Myers St John XXIII Parish, Venice Diocese. Crisismagazine.com's Eric Sammos knows “from inside sources” that Bishop Frank Dewane “was informed and [obviously] did nothing” (Twitter.com, July 29). There is more of this in Venice Diocese: the English videos below show Father Jerry Kaywell in Sacred Heart Parish, Punta Gorda, and his new-age sentimentalism as well as a remix of his show liturgy Source
