898 Year Old Norwich Cathedral Built By Faithful Catholics Is Now A GAY Church Of England Amusement Ride....

The Very Reverend Jane Hedges takes a ride on the helter skelter

Another reason why I Pray for Plague and Famine....

English are such nasty beasts....

Anything but the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Norwich Cathedral helter skelter 'is a mistake'

The clergy at a cathedral has been accused of being unprofessional and "poisoning the medicine" a church offers by installing a fairground ride. A full-size helter skelter has been put in the nave of Norwich Cathedral to give people a different view of the inside of the building. The Right Reverend Dr Gavin Ashenden, former chaplain to the Queen, said the cathedral had made a "mistake". The cathedral said it was a creative way to share the story of the Bible. It took four people two days to build the 55ft (16.7m) fairground ride in the Norman cathedral.  The cathedral said it allowed people to stand close to its medieval roof, believed to be the largest display of its kind in the world.  Dr Ashenden, Missionary Bishop for the Christian Episcopal Church, said the clergy at Norwich Cathedral had been "unprofessional" and were "making a mistake about what a cathedral is good for".  He said there was no evidence that tourists become Christians and "just to put in entertainment is naff".  "For such a place, steeped in mystery and marvel to buy in to sensory pleasure and distraction, is to poison the very medicine it offers the human soul," he said. Source
